Monday, December 5, 2016

"The 10 Keys to Personal Power" by Brian Tracy

Key 1: Clarity- ("Have vision. Determine what you want to be, do, or have in life. Have a sense of direction and know where you're going. If you do not have clear specific goals in life, you are doomed forever to work for others who do.") What this statement means is that you have to have a clear mind, body, and soul. Although everything might be blurry, you must have a clear vision on what you want most. As in, you may have goals that you're not sure of, but you should focus on the ones that are clear and specific to you and your life. What clarity means is being clear and having a clear mind on what your mind and heart is set upon.

Key 2: Competence- ("If you commit to excellence, opportunities will always come your way. The harder you work, the better you get.") This statement means that if you are a efficient person, you will have a lot of things coming your way. To be competence, means to have the ability to do something successfully or efficiently. What it means by committing to excellence, is that if you do excellent work you will have more opportunities coming to you. If you work hard for what you want in life, you will get better things for yourself.
Key 3: Concentration- ("Make the best use of your time. Ask yourself "is this the best use of my time?" before you start anything.") This statement is meaning that you should be concentrated in what your goals are. When you are concentrated in those goals, you should ask yourself to make sure you are doing the needs as to getting to that goal. Concentration means to have the action or power of focusing one's attention or effort on something. It is important to stay focused on your goals because it is your future that you are fighting and working hard for.
Key 4: Common sense- ("Train your mind, think things through, listen to instructions, learn from setbacks.") This statement inquires for you to have and make common sense. To have common sense is to have wisdom, perception, and insight. Having common sense comes from the past experiences you have been through or faced. And so later in the future you will be prepared and think twice to when you do something, decisions, actions, etc.
Image result for creativityKey 5: Creativity- ("Except the fact that every human being is a genius. The hallmark of creativity is asking questions. The people who are most creative ask the most questions.") To be creative is to use your imagination or original ideas. By using your imagination, you are putting your mind to something great and when you put yourself in something great, greater things will come out of it. This is because the mind is a beautiful thing, and if you put it to good use or express yourself, you will feel great about yourself. And by asking questions only means you are finding yourself.
Image result for consideration
Key 6: Consideration- ("The quality of your relationships with other people will determine your success in life. Develop the people skills you need to become a better communicator.")This statement refers to the people around you. As in you should think about the other person and what they need. That you should take consideration in other people as well as your self. To be considerate means to take the thought of other. If someone, for example, is caring a heavy load and can hardly do it, you should consider helping that person.
Image result for consistencyKey 7: Consistency- ("Dependable, steady predictable work is always superior to fast works of sport." "Be consistent in your relationship, your family, friends, boss, your work.")This statement means that when you are consistent you are being fair or dependable. So when you are being fair, people depend that you're going to treat them equal or with respect. For example, shooting a target at the same place constantly, you are being expected to keep on doing the same.
Image result for commitmentKey 8: Commitment- ("No success is possible without commitment. The ability to commit yourself whole heartily is the basis of achieving all success." "Become totally absorbed in your work. Be totally committed.")Commitment is telling others that you will be focused on one thing, and make it your only priority. Also it means that you will keep your word and be honest to what you were or are committed. In order to be committed you have to be into your work. In order to accomplish something you must be committed.
Image result for courageKey 9: Courage- ("The fear of failure is the single greatest reason for failure in life.") What this quote means is if you have fear of failure, that will most likely be the reason on why you will fail. This quote relates to the statement because you need to have courage that you are capable to what you set your mind to. You need to have courage that you will accomplish the impossible in life. You should have the courage to stand outside the crown, to be a leader not a follower.
Image result for confidenceKey 10: Confidence- ("You only get confidence by making things over and over again.") This means that you have to have a positive attitude for your actions. For example, if you're going to give out a presentation you want to be confident you will nail it and you will do great while presenting. So by saying or repeating to yourself you will do great, it will actually happen.
Reflection: These ten keys can benefit me to be a better and more honest person. It can influence me to become committed and responsible as a upcoming adult. Some keys I will apply are being creative, because I need to be a little more creative to be happy and successful. 

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