Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Top 10 Rules for Success by Nat

1) Work hard: You have to work hard and be productive in order to get what you want to achieve most in life.
2) Be positive: If you are happy and see the better side of things and people, you will most likely have great things coming your way.
3) Be humble: By being humble you are not letting the best things get to your head and not making others feel less than.
4) Lead: Do not follow others, instead be the one that others follow.
5) Be responsible: You have to take responsibility for your actions.
6) Patient: Be patient when applying for school, job, or anything else.
7) Loyalty: You cannot be a back stabber, instead be loyal and honest to those around you.
8) Be confident: You have to love yourself and believe that you are capable of anything.
9) Get involved: Get involved with the community, school, work, people, etc.
10) Be grateful: Always appreciate what  you have in your life and never take anything for granted.

Class Evaluation

1) Things I liked about this class is the positive vibes that come to me when in here. I think it is very generous of Mr. Haymore to push and motivate student to make right choices in order to accomplish our goals. We are taught to be humble when achieving and when we achieved.
2) Things I did not like about this class is the codecademy assignments we had to do. Some times the lesson it provided was easy but some were also difficult.
3) A bit of recommendation is to make the class a little more fun to keep students busy throughout the class period.
4) A highlight for me was taking in the way on being a better person, because I did everything as told and I am actually becoming a better person of myself. In other words, I hope these statements stand by others.
5) I honestly did my best in this class, I did all assignments and completed them all as well. My assignments were also turned in on time. Doing so, my grade has remained an A all semester.
6) I do take in consideration my goals, it is something I go over because I would and will accomplish everything in life. I do not read my goals five minutes a day, but I do think about my plans for the future and how every one of my actions will fall into my future. 
7) I am committed on beginning a CTR person because I really want to accomplish my goal and everything I want in life. I know that choosing the right will keep you away from negative and not well things. Although actually choosing the right will get you to positive and great things.

Monday, June 5, 2017

The Top 10 Rules for Success by Stephen Curry

1) Visualize your goals
2) Be the hardest working person
3) Stay confident
4) Do it your way
5) Be creative
6) Stay in the moment
7) Better yourself everyday
8) Have an upbeat personality
9) Be the best version of yourself
10) Actions speak louder than words

Reflection: Stephen has become a very successful person in life because he works really hard on making a better person of himself. By making a better person of yourself, you truly push yourself to do great and to accomplish what you really wanted most. What he means by actions speak louder than words he means that instead of blabbering on what you want to do and how you will do it, just save the small talk and work on it immediately to get where you want. 

Thursday, June 1, 2017

The top 10 Rules for Success ~by Cristiano Ronaldo

1) Just play2) Be competitive3) Always take on new challenges4) Know your priorities5) People will judge you6) Work hard7) Believe you are the best8) Play for the team9) Enjoy the moments10) Have a sense of humor

Reflection: These statements means to strive for what you want in life. In order for you to accomplish your goals or what you may want to be, you need practice but not overthink things because you'll overwhelm yourself. You also need to know your priorities in life so you won't get carried away. But as well as stressing out, you need humor in your life or else a person just becomes bitter and unhappy, you need to be positive in life.

Monday, May 1, 2017

"The 10 Seeds of Greatness" by Denis Waitley

1) The seed of self-esteem: "Appreciate the value of yourself."- This quote means that you have to first start with a high self-esteem. This is because if you aren't confident about yourself, then you won't believe in yourself and won't accomplish what you want most. Self-esteem reflects a persons overall subjective and emotional evaluation in one's worth.
2) The seed of creativity: "Releasing your creative energy."- Creativity is having the skills to make something or someone go from plain or blue, to cheerful. Not many people have creativity, because creativity comes when you're a positive person. When you have a positive mind, you have many beautiful thoughts and make them into creative things.
3) The seed of responsibility: "Whatever we sow, we reap."- Being responsible is a huge way for earning people to trust you. Not being responsible is making excuses for yourself and for others, it also means laziness and people won't be able to count on you if you make up excuses in something that's important.
4) The seed of wisdom: "...vocabulary-which implies broad general knowledge-characterizes the most successful person..."- Wisdom is having experience or good judgment as well as positivity. This means by having a great vocabulary and broad knowledge will make you a successful person, with wisdom.
5) The seed of purpose: "The gold mine in your goals."- To have a purpose is setting a target for yourself. Knowing you have a target in mind and reaching out to make that goal, you are sure to be successful and accomplish your purpose. Everyone should have a purpose in their life, and not a bad one, it should be one that takes you far. Without a purpose you are unable to reach your goals, because you would be all over the place with out having the one purpose you need.
6) The seed of communication: "Reach out and touch someone." Being able to communicate with others means having the skill of friendliness. Being friendly is a way for people to trust and get to know you for who you are. It is a way to get to know the others perspective on other things as well.
7) The seed of faith: "The power of positive believing." Being positive will make everything feel better and in place. When you are in a nerve racking situation, you should think positive in order for everything to be okay and feel better. When you are the only one of a group who is positive, it will make the others feel as good as you feel.
8) The seed of adaptability: "Turning problems into opportunities." Being able to adapt to your surroundings is a great way of becoming comfortable. Adapting to your surroundings is turning any situation and making it the best out of what it already is. Being positive about it will make you succeed.
9) The seed of perseverance: "The will to win is everything." This means to have determination when in a situation. If something rough comes your way, giving up is not an answer or shouldn't be a choice, you should keep on striving to your goal and make it an accomplished and finished goal of yours. So it doesn't matter what you do as long as you achieve it.
10) The seed of perspective: "Happiness is the spiritual experience of living...with love, grace, and gratitude." Perspective is the meaning of viewing something in someone else's eye's. For example their thought or their opinions. It is important to consider others opinions if working in a team or group.
Reflection: The ten seeds of greatness will help improve myself as a better person as well as my good deeds rubbing off on others. The seeds teach you to be more of a wiling collaborator because you see others perspective and you a learn to adapt to others around you or your environment.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

The Ten Tips for being more Truthful

Image result for 10 tips for being more truthful

1. Make a commitment to tell the truth.

2. Tell someone about your commitment.

3. Think before you give a dishonest answer, explanation, sarcasm, or reason.

4. Be careful of when and how you use exaggeration, sarcasm, or irony.

5. Be careful not to twist the truth or leave out part of it.

6. Don't indulge in little white lies.

7. Watch out for silent lies.

8. When you catch yourself lying, throw your mouth into reverse.

9. Talk to yourself.

10. Treat yourself when you tell the truth.


Image result for truthfulThese ten ways to being truthful can help you be a more honest person. Also it will get people to trust you if you are honest and do not tell any lies. Some people try to find a loop hole on when they lie saying that it is just an exaggeration, but either way you are still lying to yourself and to others. These tips are also important to lives because trust is a really big part of friendships, relationships, and family. If you are not honest with these people, then you will not be at ease with yourself.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

What I noticed in the video is that the girl didn't want to help her friend cheat, for the good of both of them. If they were both caught cheating, they would have both gotten a fail and been into trouble. I am guessing she explained to her friend why she didn't give her the answer. Even though we are all different, we are all smart but if you don't try then you will never know what you are capable for. She was being honest to herself and didn't cheat herself nor her friend out.